I did say there was more than one man in my writings. There's another man, not Jekyll, Hyde, or the other one who initially gave me grief but now coming around.
I'm talking about Mr.Stage of the HypnoticAddiction website. He just makes me smile, and I'm really fortunate to have met such a talented artist and also have the privilege of calling him a close friend.
Mind Games
I've let the male species distract me long enough these past days, really affecting my productivity. When you've seen me writing, there' s been more than one man in my writings. One was against me doing these videos. The other one was all for me doing the videos yet acting like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde back and forth in one sitting, acting warm and friendly one minute, then cool and collect and uncaring the next. Some mind games are worse than others. At least the mind games I play are ones that the viewers want to play. So I'm getting off that roller coaster for now.
Woke up hearing the theme music from Rocky. Made me want to put on some boxing gloves and have a go with a punching bag or at least with the tether ball in the back yard.
Smacking and punching the heck out of something can be very cathartic. Good for the soul. Ask any one with violent tendencies about it and you'll find they agree with me completely. =)
Woke up hearing the theme music from Rocky. Made me want to put on some boxing gloves and have a go with a punching bag or at least with the tether ball in the back yard.
Smacking and punching the heck out of something can be very cathartic. Good for the soul. Ask any one with violent tendencies about it and you'll find they agree with me completely. =)
Late Night Blues
Left kind of confused tonight because someone I considered a close friend kind of now made me feel like we've been strangers and that's not the case. Don't know what to think. I'm just hoping it was the rum he was drinking and not really him, and maybe he's still the good guy I came to know.
After a bit of a stand off between me and the guy friend who was protesting me doing my videos, he finally caved and apologized saying that he'd rather have me around than not. I really hope he means it when he says he promises to mellow out and give me his full support. It's a relief to me that he had a change of heart on this, because it was kind of a hole in my heart that he wasn't being here to share in something I'm really enjoying doing. It's been a great ride since day one, but with out him in the picture, I couldn't fully enjoy it.
So now that it's past us, for now, I can put my mind at ease and try to put together a script for another difficult subject matter for me but I did get this request long back when I got started - a vampire hypnosis video.
I'm not digging it. lol
Why do I keep torturing myself and my mind making my brain hurt taking up the difficult task of conjuring up a script for something I've never fantasized myself. I'm not completely ignorant with things related to vampires. I am a fan of and I do watch the HBO series True Blood. But I'm not fascinated with the thought of BEING a vampire. I watch that tv show for the unusual story lines, the witty characters, and the fine looking men. That's it. I'm reaching in trying to come up with the words to say in a hypnosis video to tell a viewer what to believe when for one, I may not be trying to believe it myself, and two, with out believing it myself, how can I make another person do it then?
So it's like the tickle video again. Not my thing, not into it, but yet, here I go again facing the challenge to make a viewer smile.
I am like my own.. slave. ha ha
Now I got to crack the whip and get myself to work again.
wanted to mention to my viewers and visitors from the internet that there's a
great site for you to visit if you are fan of Hypno and Mind Control.
GentlyBitten.com has a stories and recordings plus lots of links to sites
around the internet. ***Please Note that GentlyBitten.com might have mature
content, so keep this in mind. If you're adult and are feeling curious, visit
Chewtoy's site today.
Check it out -
Last Thoughts of the Day
I wrote a previous post about dealing with adversity. I didn't say it would be easy. I face it quite often. If you have been around long enough, you come to know that no ones life is perfect. I think it's normal that as you grow up you question how sane your family life is compared to others around you. Then when you've matured enough to see things in perspective, things that previously bothered you and gave you grief are so not worth the drama and your time spent being upset, frustrated or mad. Just let it roll off of you. So that's one way I deal when adversity shows it's ugly face around me.
I guess it's also a good thing to remember that with the "sour", there is no "sweet". Dealing with the "sour" things in life will later make the good things that happen for you so much "'sweeter".
I can't say I had a productive day in the terms of making more videos. I did get one out today, but the plan was to get some more done as well. Then issues arose... my little nephew out of no where gets sick to his stomach and vomits up his lunch and runs a fever (he's ok, and he got better as soon as he tossed his lunch). Then later had a nice unexpected visit from my niece and my other nephew which it's always fun to have teenagers knocking on your door.
To those who are seeing this blog, as one of the last thoughts of the night, my last words go out to my viewers and subscribers. I can't say enough that I really appreciate your patience as you submit your requests and wait for my reply or a video to be made. I appreciate patience tremendously. There are some of you that are overly anxious and one ... who is a bit demanding. For him I'd like to remind him I make these videos on my free time, when I can, and since I'm not being paid for it.. um, just learn to be more patient with me.
Don't misunderstand, I am really growing so fond of all of you and I think you all know that if you've written me and I often reply back. I like the interaction.
I just can't stress patience enough.
I do love making these videos for viewers, and it does my heart good that after I do a video for a viewer, they write me back telling me that they liked the video I made for them.
Anyhow, I'm now ranting more than I thought I would be, so goodnight for now.
I guess it's also a good thing to remember that with the "sour", there is no "sweet". Dealing with the "sour" things in life will later make the good things that happen for you so much "'sweeter".
I can't say I had a productive day in the terms of making more videos. I did get one out today, but the plan was to get some more done as well. Then issues arose... my little nephew out of no where gets sick to his stomach and vomits up his lunch and runs a fever (he's ok, and he got better as soon as he tossed his lunch). Then later had a nice unexpected visit from my niece and my other nephew which it's always fun to have teenagers knocking on your door.
To those who are seeing this blog, as one of the last thoughts of the night, my last words go out to my viewers and subscribers. I can't say enough that I really appreciate your patience as you submit your requests and wait for my reply or a video to be made. I appreciate patience tremendously. There are some of you that are overly anxious and one ... who is a bit demanding. For him I'd like to remind him I make these videos on my free time, when I can, and since I'm not being paid for it.. um, just learn to be more patient with me.
Don't misunderstand, I am really growing so fond of all of you and I think you all know that if you've written me and I often reply back. I like the interaction.
I just can't stress patience enough.
I do love making these videos for viewers, and it does my heart good that after I do a video for a viewer, they write me back telling me that they liked the video I made for them.
Anyhow, I'm now ranting more than I thought I would be, so goodnight for now.
No one said that setting up your Social Networking profiles was easy, but I didn't think it would be this tiring. I feel slightly drained and yes it's late as I write this. I have for the past day have been continuing setting up my Facebook group, while working on scripts, and recording audio. Then I got the fabulous idea to go and spread myself out to Twitter and also here on Blogger. Not to mention keeping up with messages on Youtube, on Gmail, on Facebook... at this point I'm not sure coffee will sustain me any longer tonight.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YouTubeHypnosis
It's now my turn to drop deep now. =)
oh, before I do, any one reading this wanting the links my pages on Facebook, Twitter, etc... here's the links:

The Jacqueline Powers YouTube Channel:
In the face of adversity to something you really feel good doing, it becomes really clear that you need to give just a grain of salt to what others say and think about what you have a passion for. Especially when that passion of yours is something you truly believe will lead to good things.
Recently, a dear friend of mines I've respected and cared for during the 10 plus years of friendship we've had together, well, he has verbalized to me his disapproval for what I do on YouTube. It's not his cup of tea. It was a little bit of drama, but I stood my ground to tell him he's the one needing to get a grip and needing to relax and maybe see things in a better light.
Hypnosis gets a bad wrap sometimes. There is a lot of good in it. It's a healthy thing for people to do. It's a mental massage and is widely accepted by medical professionals the world over to supplement as a therapy to treat conditions.
And it also feels amazingly good. I enjoy doing that for people.
I hope my friend comes around to his senses and just learns to relax.
Recently, a dear friend of mines I've respected and cared for during the 10 plus years of friendship we've had together, well, he has verbalized to me his disapproval for what I do on YouTube. It's not his cup of tea. It was a little bit of drama, but I stood my ground to tell him he's the one needing to get a grip and needing to relax and maybe see things in a better light.
Hypnosis gets a bad wrap sometimes. There is a lot of good in it. It's a healthy thing for people to do. It's a mental massage and is widely accepted by medical professionals the world over to supplement as a therapy to treat conditions.
And it also feels amazingly good. I enjoy doing that for people.
I hope my friend comes around to his senses and just learns to relax.
Some of us deal with difficulty in meeting new people. We feel self conscious and so shy we can't even lift up our heads to make eye contact with someone standing in front of us.
Every one of us is so unique, and have so much to share with others. We should never be afraid to be seen or be heard. No one is a waste of space.
I get especially concerned about kids and teenagers, now as they're going to back to school and facing meeting new people in their classes and in the halls.
Life is too short to be wasted on feeling bad about yourself.
I hope you all keep smiling.
I made this video for a viewer who requested it from me.
Every one of us is so unique, and have so much to share with others. We should never be afraid to be seen or be heard. No one is a waste of space.
I get especially concerned about kids and teenagers, now as they're going to back to school and facing meeting new people in their classes and in the halls.
Life is too short to be wasted on feeling bad about yourself.
I hope you all keep smiling.
I made this video for a viewer who requested it from me.
About Me
When I try to think about how I came about being a YouTube Hypnotist and Entertainer, my memory does get little fuzzy. I'm like many of you, I had a general interest in the subject of hypnotism, being fascinated to watch a stage hypnosis show, and wondering how it might be like to be hypnotized myself. But it was not something I would say I would have made a career move for.
I grew up in Southern California, one of the four children to my middle class parents. I enjoyed the unique yet common childhood of having a twin sister. It was interesting, to say the least. As much as we looked alike, we were so very different, and we continue to be to this day.
It was recently that I was dealing with what plagues a lot of people - not getting enough sleep. After tossing and turning night after night I looked for ways to help me relax to get better sleep.
I found some help for that while browsing around YouTube and stumbled upon the video genre of Guided Relaxation, which led me to also discover that there were people on YouTube, people who were helping people like me relax better and helping people reach deeper levels of relaxation that I could have imagined - these people being the hypnotists of YouTube.
I was more curious than anything else when watching a self-hypnosis video for the first time. I found that some of the so-called hypnotists of YouTube were better at doing what they do than others in the same genre.
When I did finally find some self-hypnosis YouTube videos that caught my interest, I was shocked to find how very easily I was hypnotizable myself. You begin as a skeptic. Yeah sure, I'll relax, but I thought it would be from boredom if anything. You feel like this until a good hypnosis video hits you like a ton of bricks and you find you're sinking into one of the deepest meditative states you've ever been in. Then on top of that, you then find the hypnotist just has to suggest a few things and then you're as mellow as jello..
It's a good thing that there are some good ethical hypnotist that don't abuse their hypnotic powers and put their talent into good use.
I worked many years in the customer service field, so talking to people is already second nature to me. I already was helping people with their needs for a very long time.
So when I began watching these self-hypnosis videos, I thought to myself, I can do that too. I befriended one of the YouTube hypnotist and ended up sending him an audio sample of my voice doing a hypnosis session, the next thing I know I was persuaded to not just play with the idea of doing just one hypnosis video, but really start making them regularly to entertain the audience of people who enjoy self-hypnosis on YouTube.
So here I am, it's early into the start of this journey into broadcasting myself for the entertainment of others but I'm really enjoying a sense of evolving and helping others in their hypnotic needs. I guess I'l just ride this thing until the wheels fall off. We'll see.
I found some help for that while browsing around YouTube and stumbled upon the video genre of Guided Relaxation, which led me to also discover that there were people on YouTube, people who were helping people like me relax better and helping people reach deeper levels of relaxation that I could have imagined - these people being the hypnotists of YouTube.
I was more curious than anything else when watching a self-hypnosis video for the first time. I found that some of the so-called hypnotists of YouTube were better at doing what they do than others in the same genre.
When I did finally find some self-hypnosis YouTube videos that caught my interest, I was shocked to find how very easily I was hypnotizable myself. You begin as a skeptic. Yeah sure, I'll relax, but I thought it would be from boredom if anything. You feel like this until a good hypnosis video hits you like a ton of bricks and you find you're sinking into one of the deepest meditative states you've ever been in. Then on top of that, you then find the hypnotist just has to suggest a few things and then you're as mellow as jello..
It's a good thing that there are some good ethical hypnotist that don't abuse their hypnotic powers and put their talent into good use.
I worked many years in the customer service field, so talking to people is already second nature to me. I already was helping people with their needs for a very long time.
So when I began watching these self-hypnosis videos, I thought to myself, I can do that too. I befriended one of the YouTube hypnotist and ended up sending him an audio sample of my voice doing a hypnosis session, the next thing I know I was persuaded to not just play with the idea of doing just one hypnosis video, but really start making them regularly to entertain the audience of people who enjoy self-hypnosis on YouTube.
So here I am, it's early into the start of this journey into broadcasting myself for the entertainment of others but I'm really enjoying a sense of evolving and helping others in their hypnotic needs. I guess I'l just ride this thing until the wheels fall off. We'll see.
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