
Your Mind is a Slave with Mistress Jackie

Hypnosis How-To Video

Often viewers write me asking for help going into Trance. This is a fast simple lesson on an exercise in Guided Relaxation that if practiced a few minutes daily will greatly help you go into Trance faster, easier, and deeper.Send me your questions on hypnosis or trance and your question may be featured in the next Hypnosis How-To video.


Wishlist Item Needed - Calling on the Generous to Help Give Me This Wish

I am needing to replace a laptop that cannot be repaired. This is very much a priority for me right now. If you feel generous enough to show your appreciation for my work, this would mean so much. It's needed to help me make videos for the channel. Also, if you do happen to purchase this item for me, please be sure to email so I know who to thank and can thank you properly.

Your Help very much needed!
xoxo Jackie

Amazon Wish List Item:

ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A-AB71 13.3-Inch Ultrabook by Asus http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00863L3K4/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_xr2-rb1RQ2XJE via @amazon